TSIT ■ Chennai
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin on Friday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to bring back Education under the State list from the concurrent. In his address at the 36th Convocation of the Gandhi Gram University at Dindigul in which the Prime Minister was the chief guest, Stalin appealed to the Union Government to support and encourage the efforts of state government, by bringing back Education, under the State list. “Education is the only asset that can never be snatched by anyone under any situation”, he said. “It is the duty of a state government to impart the wealth of education. Hence, I appeal to the Union Government, to support and encourage such efforts of state government, by bringing back Education, under the State list”, he said. Stalin said “when the constitution was framed and came into force, Education was originally placed in the State list. It was moved to the Concurrent list only during the period of Emergency.” “I request, that the Union Government, especially Hon’ble Prime Minister, shall attempt, to move Education, back to the State list”, he said.