Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao laid foundation stone for the prestigious Hyderabad Airport Express Metro project from Mindspace Junction to Shamshabad Airport, at Rayadurgam Metro Station in Hitech City area here on Friday. KCR also performed Bhoomi Puja and later unveiled a plaque.
The Airport Express Metro will consist of seven stations and the project will be completed in three years at a cost of Rs 6,250 crore.
Of the 31 kms project, 27.5 kms will be in the skyway, 1 km on road and 2.5 km will be underground.
The Airport Express Metro Corridor will take off from Raidurg Metro terminal station at Mindspace Junction to Shamshabad International Airport which can be reached in 26 minutes.The proposed 31-km high-speed Airport Express Metro will be constructed jointly by Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) and GMR Hyderabad International Airport. Ministers, MLAs, MLCs, Hyderabad Metro Rail Managing Director NVS Reddy and other officials participated in the programme. The Airport Express Metro Corridor will take off from Raidurg Metro terminal station at Mindspace Junction to Shamshabad International Airport which can be reached in 26 minutes.