Jaipur/Hanumangarh: Taking a veiled dig at Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, his former deputy Sachin Pilot on Friday said elders should think about the younger generation and young people should get justice. Referring to the resignation of New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Pilot said Ardern was appointed to the top post eight years ago but stepped down because of her low public ranking and decided to work for her party instead. He also praised former Congress president Sonia Gandhi, saying in 2004, she had called 15-20 young leaders, including him, to discuss their aspirations to be included in the party’s election manifesto. In an apparent attack on Gehlot, Pilot said one’s upbringing should be such that he gives respect to others, adding that respect comes back when it is given.
The Congress leader was interacting with youngsters at Jaipur’s Maharaja College after inaugurating the students’ union office at the college. Without naming Gehlot, Pilot targeted him for the language the veteran leader had used for him in the past.
Pilot takes a dig at Gehlot; advices him respect youngsters