Street Vendors in 142 ULB’s


Demarcation of street vending zones and providing financial assistance to Street
The vendor is a component of the PattanaPragathi Programme. Progress so far:

No. of Street Vendors identified as on 23.02.2020: 83,666.
Cumulative no. of Street Vendors identified: 6,08,277 (4.15% of Urb. Pop)
1st Tranche Loans (@ Rs. 10,000/- per Street Vendor):-
n No. of Street Vendors identified : 6,08,277
Target for disbursement of loans : 3,40,000
n No. of loans sanctioned : 3,55,250.

n No. of loans disbursed : 3,44,944.

n 2nd Tranche Loans* (@ Rs. 20,000/- per Street Vendor):

n Target for disbursement : 1,52,500   
      No. of loans repaid first phase before it's term : 1,91,351.

n No. of applications uploaded: 1,91,237.

n No. of loans sanctioned :97,718 (64%)

n No. of loans disbursed s o far : 68,882 n No. of SVs accepting digital payments :3,30,841

n Total incentive paid to SVs @ 100/month/SV : Rs. 310.00 Lakhs for performing digital transactions (22% of Countrytotal of  Rs.1438.00Lk)

n Total interest subsidy paid for regular repayment : Rs. 822.00Lakhs of loan(15% of country total of Rs.5762.00Lk) Development of Street Vendor 
n Demarcation of street vending zones and infrastructure development is a component under PattanaPragathi Programme in all ULBs.
n No. of Vending Zones identified for development under PattanaPragathi program: 618
n Status of Street Vending sheds constructed (1284), under construction (1392). Total sanctioned sheds :2,676.

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