Actress Rakul Preet Singh, who will be seen sharing screen space with Akshay Kumar in the upcoming film ‘Cuttputlli’, has been a fan of the Bollywood star’s work. She says that she had only heard of his discipline but got to witness it on the sets of the movie.
Speaking about her experience working with Akshay, Rakul said: “I have always been a huge fan of Akshay sir, I had only heard of his discipline but now I witnessed it.”
“I think he is amazing when it comes to loving his work, respecting his work, and being diligently involved in every process of it. Also what I love about Akshay sir is that his energy on set is to bring everyone together and that’s something I learned, so, all in all, it was an amazing experience.”
Akshay plays Arjan Sethi, a dutiful sub-inspector who vowed to keep the people of Kasauli safe. However, fate has other plans as the killer strikes from the shadows of terror, leaving behind no trace of evidence, except a body.
Produced by Vashu Bhagnani and Jackky Bhagnani, Deepshikha Deshmukh and Pooja Entertainment, Directed by Ranjit M. Tewari ‘Cuttputlli’ will be released exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar on September 2.