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Home to Some of the bestInstagrammable blooms in the world

Flowers have long since caught and retained human fancy. They've been used to express love and regret, to bestow congratulations, and to cement apologies....


On 26th July every year, Kargil Vijay Diwascommemoratesthe Indian victory in Kargil in1999 when Indian armed forces evicted the Pakistan Army personnel who had...

After a sharp rally last week, expect markets to consolidate

Markets were on a roll in the week gone by on expected lines. However, the extent of the rally was certainly a surprise with...
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Even to a layman, the word intelligence denotes exclusive information or special knowledge linked to some out- of-the-normal doings or profile of an individual...

Why is the status of daughtersnot changing in India?

Indian families consider it very important to have at least one son. But daughters decide the condition and direction of the society and the...

Trade to tourism oceans are key to Asian, Pacific economies They need more than investment

As the Second Global Ocean Conference opens tomorrow in Lisbon, governments in Asia and the Pacific must seize this opportunity to enhance cooperation and...
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