Take care of your eyes: Vision is a precious gift, so learn to love and cherish it


Our eyes are one of the most overworked organs in our body, from the time we wake up till we sleep, our eyes are constantly roving around and relaying important information to our brain, without any delay. In this context, it’s only fair that we take some time out to give our eyes the adequate care they deserve.

REGULAR EYE CHECK-UP: Firstly, everyone, no matter which age group you fall in, should get at least one eye checkup a year by a qualified ophthalmologist, which should include a refraction-to check for refractive errors if any. Tonometry to check the pressure in the eyes. A thorough eye examination under the slit lamp and fundoscopy to check the retina. Following this assessment, your eye doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and further visits if required.

DIABETES/HYPERTENSION: Currently, our country is the diabetic capital of the world thanks to our carbohydrate-rich diet and lack of exercise. Diabetes and hypertension are two lifestyle diseases that can wreak havoc on your eyes leading to permanent loss of vision, if not kept in check. Be aware and cautious of your blood sugar levels and blood pressure and consult your endocrinologist regularly for any change in medication. Patients with these conditions tend to develop early cataracts (clouding of your natural lens), changes in the retina, which are usually permanent and irreversible, glaucoma, etc. preferably get your eye checkup once in six months if you have these conditions.

AVOID SMOKING: Kick the butt! The best remedy for a number of diseases occurring in our body. Tobacco in any and all forms is the culprit for numerous eye conditions including optic nerve damage, cancers, and glaucoma. so if you are a smoker, NOW is a good time to stop, if you are not, then these reasons are enough to keep you at bay.

SCREEN TIME: Our eyes were never meant to stare for long hours and bright unnatural light which is exactly what emanates from your mobiles, tablets, and laptops. This leads to a constant strain and reduced blink rate of the eyes causing headaches, irritation, and transient blurring of vision. Take frequent breaks from your screen, follow the 20-20-20 rule-after 20mins of screen time, for 20 seconds look 20 feet away or simply close your eyes for 20 seconds.

Use appropriate lubricant drops prescribed by your ophthalmologist, alternately you can use glasses with a blue filter which reduces the strain caused by screens, never use a mobile or laptop in a dark room, especially before sleeping, and ensure ambient room lighting.

PAEDIATRIC AGE GROUP: Children fall into a special category for ophthalmologists due to their inability to express visual symptoms, it becomes a responsibility of parents and teachers to keenly observe if a child is straining or wincing while looking at the board, incorrectly taking notes, lagging behind the rest of the class, indicating a refractive error. A simple check up by your ophthalmologist and prescription of appropriate glasses will make a world of difference for the child, helping them perform well and giving them confidence. Always remember that if your child’s refractive errors are not corrected in time, it might lead to amblyopia wherein defective vision persists despite the best correction. I encourage schools to conduct frequent eye camps to diagnose such conditions at the earliest.

CLEAN BODY, CLEAN MIND: This may sound like a monologue, but the need for a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle is often preached, seldom practiced. Ours is an energy-intense diet, which needs an equal amount of physical activity to burn it. simple changes in lifestyle like a balanced diet (keep an eye on your macronutrients –fats, carbs, and proteins and micronutrients-vitamins, minerals.)Will go a long way to keep you fit. Remember the rule of ACE- vitamins A,C & E, and antioxidants like leutin, and zeaxanthin for eye health.

While you can load up on these vitamins with a diet that includes adequate greens, whole eggs, carrots, citrus fruits, gooseberries, papaya etc. Leutin and zeaxanthin are carotenoids found naturally in the retina of your eyes, which can be derived from grapes, spinach, kiwis, zucchini or in the form of supplements prescribed by your ophthalmologist.

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