New Delhi: Toyota Kirloskar Motor on Friday said it has commenced bookings for the updated version of its multipurpose vehicle Innova Crysta. The model now comes with a 2.4-litre diesel powertrain mated with a five speed manual transmission across four trims. It can be booked for Rs 50,000 at company dealerships or online, Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM) said in a statement. The opening of bookings for the new Innova Crysta comes on the heels of the launch of the Innova HyCross (available in Gasoline and Strong Hybrid Electric powertrains). “This vehicle (Innova Crysta) is a perfect choice for customers preferring a rugged and practical vehicle, well known for its unparalleled comfort and safety,” TKM Vice President, Sales and Strategic Marketing Atul Sood stated.
Toyota commences bookings of new diesel Innova Crysta