
New Delhi, July 23 (UNI) The Legends League Cricket, the global T20 league on Saturday announced the shifting of the second season to India from Oman.”Keeping in mind the huge fan base in India for the legends of the game and the first season’s response received from India, LLC has decided to shift the base to India for the upcoming season in September 2022,” said a statement.

During season two, the Legends League Cricket will add more excitement with more than 110 legends from the sport competing in the tournament. The cricket grounds are being decided upon for the league which is starting from September 20, 2022. Cricketing legends from more than nine nations will participate.

Raman Raheja, co-founder, and CEO, of Legends League Cricket said, “We have been constantly receiving requests from fans to hold the series in India and we are excited to bring the Legends League second season back home. We have the maximum number of cricket fans here in India. The first season had maximum viewership from India, followed by Pakistan and Sri Lanka followed by the rest of the world.

“We hope to give a better experience to our viewers and cricket enthusiasts. We are sure that the cricketing fans will rejoice in our decision to shift the base to India as the excitement of watching live cricket cannot be matched,” he said.

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