Hyderabad: State Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is set to unveil A 125-ft tall Dr. Ambedkar statue tomorrow on the banks of picturesque Hussain Sagar Lake. His government is determined to move closer to the dalits ahead of the upcoming as upcoming assembly polls this year.Meanwhile, the Telangana Sahitya Academy, a day before has scripted a long poem written by Vanapatla Subbaiah about the 125 feet of Dr. Ambedkar Maha Vigraham statue, which was erected by the Telangana state government. The event was attended by prominent poets, writers, literary critics, Members of the Legislative Council, and social activists, who spoke about the significance of the statue and Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s contributions to Indian democracy. They praised the establishment of the Ambedkar memorial center under the statue and the Telangana state government’s initiatives for the education of marginalized communities. They also spoke about the need to fight against communalism and casteism in the country and take inspiration from Ambedkar’s statue. Vanapatla Subbaiah expressed his gratitude to the state Chief Minister for unveiling the statue and wrote a long poem about it. The event was a commendable development and was attended by several notable personalities from the literary and social spheres.