AMARAVATI: In a piece of good news for job aspirants, the Andhra Pradesh State Government on Friday decided to relax the upper age limit by two years for recruitment of police constable posts in the State. Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy had agreed to relax the age limit upon the request of candidates seeking jobs in the police department. He had a meeting with the officials regarding the appeals made to the government to increase the age limit and make them eligible. To offer them a fair opportunity the CM issued orders to increase the age limit by two years.The earlier limit was 24 years and now the age limit is increased to 26 years( 18-26 years) for applicants for both make and female. The state government has taken up the recruitment process for 6,511 police posts. Among them, there are 411 are for SI posts and 6,100 for constable posts.
It is known that the AP Police Recruitment Board has released a notification to this effect.
AP Govt Relaxes Upper Age Limit By 2 Years For Police Constable Posts