Hyderabad: Telangana Health Minister Harish Rao said that Telangana has become the inspiration for the country in the field of medicine and health and opined that medical treatment is being provided at the corporate level in government hospitals. Telangana Health Minister Harish Rao said that Telangana has become the inspiration for the country in the field of medicine and health and opined that medical treatment is being provided at the corporate level in government hospitals.
Minister Harish Rao inaugurated the newly established Dialysis Center and Blood Fund Center at Nampally Government Area Hospital in Thursday. On this occasion, the minister claimed that there were only three dialysis centres in then Andhra Pradesh state and said that the Telangana government under the leadership of K Chandrasekhar Rao has increased it to 102. He said that the government is supporting the dialysis patients by giving them a pension of Rs. 2000 per month. The minister on the occasion said that the government will bring a new scheme for pregnant women with name KCR Nutritional Kit in the next month.