Hyderabad: State Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on Friday unveiled the 125-ft tall statue of B R Ambedkar in Hyderabad to celebrate on a grand scale the birth anniversary of the architect of the Constitution. Flower petals were showered from a helicopter on the statute paying floral tributes to Ambedkar. His grandson Prakash Ambedkar is invited as the sole chief guest at the event.It was one of the flagship projects of the ruling Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) government and a pet project of KCR, this towering statue of Ambedkar is located next to the Secretariat opposite Buddha statue. Built at an estimated cost of Rs 146 crore and sprawling across 11.4 acres of area, the statue has a circular edifice resembling the parliament that will also house a museum, library and an audio-visual hall across a 20,000 sq ft area to commemorate the life and times of the chief architect of the Indian Constitution.The unveiling ceremony was held on a grand scale with arrangements in place to ensure that over 35,000 people from all 119 constituencies attended it. As many as 750 state-run Road Transport Corporation buses were being operated for the public.To the delight of the gathering a helicopter has showered flower petals. Ambedkar’s grandson Prakash Ambedkar also attended the event.Food was also arranged for the people who came to the assembly complex within 50 km before reaching Hyderabad. One lakh sweet packets, 1.50 lakh butter milk packets and an equal number of water packets were made available for the public.KCR praised the sculptor, 98-year-old Ram Vanji Sutar, for making a big effort on the statue.