Siddipet,Dec 21:Minister Harish Rao has directed all the candidates to be ready for the physical events that will be held for ten days from tomorrow at the Siddipet Police Parade ground. Remember that you have already achieved the first success in the preliminary examination and
do with the same self-confidence, he called to show his strength in physical endurance tests. He said that in the past, they used to go to other places for the physical event tests and were exposed to the expense due to which the jobs were also far from the conditions. But for the first time, they said that the exams are being held at the Siddipet Parade Ground for the candidates of this region.Every candidate is requested to take advantage of this opportunity and move forward with determination. They said that they are ready to give free coaching related to the mains exam to the candidates who have qualified in physical fitness exams.
You are advised to believe in yourself that your future is in your own hands. It is suggested that there is no place for any kind of manipulation in the exams and not to be deceived by trusting the brokers. He said that success can only be achieved through hard work.