Revenues & financial resources increasedin self-ruling Telangana state: CM


Hyderabad, Nov 27 : Though the revenue and financial resources increased in Self-ruling Telangana state, the government officials should think creative every day to bring more qualitative progress in the lives of people, said Telangana Chief Minister K.Chandrashekhar Rao (KCR) here on Sunday evening. The progress achieved in the self-rule which was the result of the Telangana movement is the proof of collective efforts, Mr KCR , who held a high-level meeting at Pragathi Bhawan here to review the development works undertaken by the Municipal Department across the state, said.
The collective efforts of the government employees are encompassed in shaping each sector in the state and getting results in accordance with the aspirations of the people, he said that we should not stop being satisfied with what we have achieved and think bigger. The Chief Minister reiterated the government officials should think creative every day to bring more qualitative progress in the lives of people,
Ways should be explored to solve public problems from time to time in innovative methods rather than traditional methods and for that, all the government departments have to work together in coordination, the CM explained to the officials. Public needs are increasing in tune with growing economic resources and wealth in Telangana and accordingly, everyone should work together to provide quality facilities for people, the CM said.Today, Telangana has achieved qualitative development in all fields from a situation where there were no minimum facilities in the erstwhile united Andhra Pradesh government, he said the people also experienced quality facilities in infrastructure such as agriculture, irrigation, drinking water, electricity, roads, education, medicine. The rural economy has achieved qualitative growth and as a result, the purchasing power of the people increased, he said that all sections of Telangana society are becoming economically stronger and this is possible through the development of Telangana.People are expecting more quality services from the government .
and it is the responsibility of the government officials to provide better quality services to them,” said Mr KCR. The Chief Minister said that the demand for strengthening of civic amenities is increasing day by day and it is because of the increased trust of the people in the state government.
He told the employees that there is a need to maintain the trust of the people with continuous efforts. “Government hospitals and other government systems that have not seen public support in the past are receiving huge popularity today. Reverse migration is taking place in Telangana and around 30 lakh people migrated to Telangana from neighboring states for work , he said.
Administrative reforms are implemented and the governance reached at the doorstep of people, he said the government machinery should fine tune its duties and meet the aspirations of the people for increased development. Due to constant rains, the length of construction work has also reduced. We have to complete the development works within six months during the non-rainy season, he asked the officials. The government administration should understand the situation and prepare plans accordingly, he added. In the meeting, State Municipal Administration minister KT Rama Rao explained to the CM the development works undertaken by the municipal department in the state.

The Minister explained the efforts of the municipal department in making ideal cities in the country.

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