Hyderabad: Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao along with Roads and Buildings Minister Vemula Prasanth Reddy inspected the ongoing construction works of Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) permanent premises at Vasant Vihar in Delhi on Tuesday. KCR inspected the ongoing works of the permanent building, party sources here said.
Later, the Chief Minister also enquired about the ‘Rajashyamala Yagam’ at the party central office at Sardar Patel Marg which is organized today and tomorrow. About 12 Rithvikas are participating in the holy Yagam. Nava Chandi Homam and Poornahuthi will be held on Wednesday. The Chief Minister will inaugurate BRS Central Office tomorrow. National leaders are expected to attend the inauguration function, the sources added.