Hyderabad: In the state of Telangana, under the leadership of CM KCR, all the development and welfare fruits are being delivered to the people of all communities on behalf of the government.
CM KCR has introduced a new scheme for the Dalits of Telangana state like nowhere else in the world and praised KCR as the only leader who has worked for the upliftment of the Dalits by introducing the Dalit relative scheme so that Dalits can live with dignity. He said that in Gadwala constituency, unlike anywhere in the state, community halls are being constructed near the church for poor people and marriages to celebrate auspicious deeds in all the village panchayats.It is a great pleasure to have this holy prayer hall in Gutti also in Gadwala area. Every Friday, the people are worshiped here.
With the blessings of Lord Jesus, the people of India and Telangana state should develop day by day in all fields. He said that all the people have been praying to that Jesus Christ to live a hundred years full of happiness and health. Zilla Grandhalaya Chairman Jambu Raman Gowda MP Vijay Councilor Nagireddy BRS party leaders Kurumanna, Srinu, Vijay, leaders activists youth members and others participated in this program